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Aug 14, 2014


 Homeopathic Recorder
 Vol. XXVI Lancaster, Pa., January, 1911 

Edited By : Dr. Ravinder Singh Mann

McCandlish, Hom. World, reports a case of a woman aged 23, 
who since her eighteenth year, had suffered horribly from dys- 
menorrhea, so much so that she would scream with pain. Allo- 
paths and Homoeopaths could give no relief, until he carefully 
took the symptoms, worked them out in the repertory, and was 
surprised to find the result was "Apis." which remedy completely 
cured the patient. 
McCandlish, Hom. World, tells of a "large, hard, tense red 
scar" on a woman's breast from an operation, which, under 
Phytolacca 1. became more like the surrounding skin. 
McCandlish, Hom. World,reports a case of a ten-year-old 
girl discharged as incurable from hospital. She had from birth a 
weakness of the ankle joint, which caused her to drag her right 
foot along the ground when walking ;latterly the weakness began 
to spread up the leg. Conium 30 morning and night, enabled 
her to walk and run “quite nicely now when she likes and when 
she knows she is being watched.” The italics seem to indicate a 
queer mental state. 
McCandlish, Hom. World, reports a case of a man aged 43, 
suffering from itching anus, which was moist, wet, edematous 
and sore. Anacardium 30, morning and night, cured the case. 
Hom. Monthly, November, reports several cases in which 
blood was passed from internal parts by mouth or rectum in 
which Calendula Q. ten drops in half a tumblerful of water, tea- 
spoonful doses of the latter, acted in a most gratifying manner. 
The diseases were tuberculosis, cancer, disease of the bowels, 
etc. The indication is the passing or coughing of blood. Calen- 
dula is a wonderful but little known remedy. 
Dr. Williams (Medical Record) says that the pulp of a ripe 
pineapple applied to a boil will establish drainage in a short time. 
It seems to digest the necrotic head. This seems to be on the 
same principle by which it clears away the membranous throat 
deposits in diphtheria. 
Dr. D. W. Dimock, Brockton, Mass. (Medical World), advises 
as a “mother's friend” the application of ‘olive oil’ over the 
lower abdomen, around and over the vulva and perineum every 
night on retiring" for pregnant women. Keep this up every 
night for months before confinement. One woman who had 
always suffered agonies before had such an easy delivery after 
doing this that she named the girl baby born ‘Olive.’ 
Dr. Geo. D. Scott (Therap. Gaz., Aug.) advises the use of 
fruit juices in the diet of infants : cooked fruit juices are nourish- 
ing and mildly laxative. Perhaps a little fresh juice of ripe 
fruit would also be beneficial. 
Dr. McCandlish, Hom. World, tells of a woman with pains in 
her legs that had been getting worse for three years ; worse in 
the morning so that she dreaded to get up ; neither bone nor joints 
were affected: remedies, including liniments, did no good. On 
the theory that the seat of the trouble might be the facise and 
muscle sheaths. Dr. McCandlish prescribed Phytolacca 1. In 
seven days the pain had entirely disappeared. 
Dr. Ashley B. Palmer, of Seattle, Washington, reports a case 
of anterior poliomyelitis in Iowa Hom. Journal, December. It 
was first treated, but not recognized by an allopath who gave 
castor oil. When seen by Palmer the paralysis was established. 
Case made complete recovery under Gelsemium in rather high 
potency, with some other inter-current remedies as indicated. 
But Gelsemium seemed to be the remedy for the central disease. 
Dr. Lewis Robinson, of Carmel, Maine, writes that he has used 
Crataegus extensively in heart murmurs with excellent results. 
Dr. A. L. Fisher writes of Arnica oil that “it is of great value 
in stopping the falling out of the hair, a serious thing for those 
afflicted, and for which Arnica oil was recommended many years 
ago. I have used the preparation for this trouble many 
times with excellent success, in fact, not a failure.” If we re- 
member aright it was either Dr. Clifton or Dr. Ussher who first 
wrote of this use, in Homoeopathic World, fifteen or twenty years 
It should be remembered that an important indication for 
Rumex crispus exists when there is a lacerating pain under the 
clavicle, especially when there is hawking. It should be espe- 
cially kept in mind when the pain is in the breast, in the upper part 
of the lobe of the lung forward, or in the region of the left 
shoulder. — Pop. Z. f. H. 
Caulophyllum is useful in inflammatory rheumatism of the 
wrist. There is sharp pain in the hand and in the finger joints, 
especially in the second joint when closing the hand, and the 
joints are stiff. — Pop. Z. f. H. 
“Cancers — epithelioma — yield very rapidly to the local and in- 
ternal administration of Echinacea. Carcinomas can be arrested, 
the odor destroyed, and the patient made comfortable under its 
use, and I believe that many cures have been and will be effected 
by its use in this most loathsome of all diseases.” — Holmes' 
Eclectic Quarterly, Dec. 
We have often been called to a case which looked to the pa- 
tient and friends that appendicitis was in full blast. The intense 
pain, hardly endurable, with these cases of intestinal colic, I have 
seen them fade away by giving 15-drop doses of Dioscorea in hot 
water every ten, fifteen or twenty minutes. — Dr. F. R. Crowell, 
Lawrence, Mich., in Ec. M. Dec. 
“My first knowledge of the use of Variolinum was given to me 
by that close student and staunch Homoeopath, the late Dr. 
Martin Deschere, of New York. He told me of his experience in 
an epidemic of small-pox in Hoboken, N. J., in the first years of 
his practice. Quarantine was not really attempted at that time, 
and cases were all treated in their own homes. He told me that 
he had small-pox in over one hundred families, and that he used 
Variolinum as a prophylactic in every instance upon those who 
were exposed and did not have a second case in any family where 
the Variolinum was given at once.” — John B. Garrison, M. D., 
in North Am. J. of Hom. 

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